Top 10 Horror Movies Inspired by True Events

YupLife Staff
Top 10 Horror Movies

We all love horror movies once in our lifetime and in some cases, throughout the lifetime. These kinds of movies are the best source of getting cuddles when you are watching with your partner or lover. How can we forget to make a list of top 10 horror movies inspired by true events that fire our adrenal glands, send shivers down our spine, give goosebumps, and quicken breath? You can also order this list according to your taste because these are the best horror movies based on real life stories.

Top 10 Horror Movies

10. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre is little based on the killer Ed Gein. He was active from 1954 to 1957 and similar to Leatherface he would wear his victims’ scalps and faces. The main difference, Gein used a gun to kill his victims, not a chainsaw. But the producers of the movie wished to make the script a little more exciting.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

9. Psycho (1975)

When a sheriff visited Ed Gein’s Wisconsin farm in 1957, he was hoping to find a theft suspect. Rather, he fell upon a true house of horrors: there was a bowl made from a human skull and a chair, lampshade, and a suit made out of the skin. After Gein was arrested, detectives found the remains of 10 women at his farm. He was sent to a mental asylum for the rest of his life. In 1959 author Robert Bloch used Gein as the prototype for Norman Bates in his novel Psycho (including Gein’s sick attraction with his oppressive mother), and then Alfred Hitchcock utilized it into a film.

Psycho (1975) horror movie

8. Jaws (1975)

Peter Benchley, who wrote the 1974 novel Jaws, got the inspiration for a killer shark story after chartering boat rides with a fisherman named Frank “Monster Man” Mundus (who claimed he was the idea for the rough character Captain Quint). The novel’s plot was inspired in part by the summer of 1916 when a villain big white shark sneaking in the waters off the Jersey shore killed five unfortunate swimmers.

Jaws (1975)

7. The Amityville Horror (1979)

One of the most prominent cases of paranormal haunting comes from one now-renowned house in New York.

It spurred the 1977 novel The Amityville Horror, which was transformed into a film two years later, starring James Brolin and Margot Kidder as George and Kathy Lutz, who find a great venture on a house after a man killed his family in it years earlier. Soon, they start to conspire that the evil was inspired by a demonic presence in the house and worry they will fall prey to it next.

The Amityville Horror (1979)

6. The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)

The film’s title actor is a 19-year-old girl who dies following an exorcism, and the film is based on the trial of the priest who conducted it. It’s based on the real 1976 case of Anneliese Michel, a German woman who died at the age of 23 from starvation following 67 exorcisms to rid her of assumed demons.

The Amityville Horror (1979) best horror movie

5. Wolf Creek (2005)

While Crocodile Dundee was a film that exceptionally helped the tourism industry in Australia, Greg McLean’s 2005 cult slasher film was the film that could have come close to breaking it.

Wolf Creek, about three travelers intimidated by a crazed pig hunter, declared to be based on true events when first released. While not completely a lie, the real Australia-based hitchhiker killings that caused the film occurred far from the scenic national park the name borrows from and misspells (Wolfe Creek). If you are a thrill loving person, don’t forget to check out the list of top 10 medieval war movies.

Although, the film has received recognition as one of the best horror movies based on true stories of its kind for its ultra-realistic portraits of violence and, particularly, for its evil competitor, Mick Taylor (John Jarratt).

Wolf Creek (2005) - top 10 horror movies

4. The Girl Next Door (2007)

This movie reveals the story of two teenage girls who were orphaned by their parents’ death. They go to live with their aunt, and she keeps them imprisoned, beats them, and tortures them eventually resulting in their death. This movie is based on real life story of Sylvia Likens. Her parents left her with a family friend while they moved for work. Related to the events in the movie, the family friend threatened Sylvia and finally killed her.

top 10 horror movies

3. The Conjuring (2013)

This film deserves to be in the list of top 10 horror movies. The movie stars Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga as ghost hunters helping out a family in a haunted 18th-century farmhouse. The paranormal investigators, Ed, and Lorraine Warren are real people, as is the Perron family that they serve. Lorraine was a counselor on the movie and emphasizes that many of the supernatural horrors happened, and one of the daughters who is portrayed in the film, Andrea Perron, says the same. She recalled an enraged spirit named Bathsheba. Whoever the spirit was, she regarded herself to be mistress of the house and she envied the competition my mother posed for that position.”

The Conjuring (2013)

2. Annabelle (2014)

The spooky porcelain doll from The Conjuring gets her horror on in this spin-off of The Conjuring. The ghost-hunting Warrens have declared that there was a real Raggedy Ann doll that walked by itself and wrote creepy-ass notes saying things like, “Help us.” The woman who owned it communicated a medium, who claimed that it was possessed by a seven-year-old girl named Annabelle who had died there.

top 10 horror movies - annabelle

1. The Conjuring 2 (2016)

In the sequel to The Conjuring, the paranormal investigators head to England to resolve the mysteries of the Hodgson family’s Enfield council house. It’s based on the supposed story of a young girl who was possessed by the Enfield Poltergeist that would “talk” through her. “We didn’t understand what was happening,” the girl’s sister told, “We went through periods where we just couldn’t believe what happened really. It’s scary. We didn’t like to be on your own in the house or anything.”

The Conjuring 2 (2016)


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