A 68-Year-Old Nigerian Woman Gave Birth to Twins

YupLife Staff
A 68-Year-Old Nigerian Woman Gave Birth to Twins

A 68-year-old Nigerian woman and her 70-year-old husband are celebrating after the Nigerian Woman gave birth to twins after 43 years of struggle. Margarett Adenuga gave birth to the kids – a boy and a girl – by cesarean at a hospital in Lagos on April 14, and is reported to be doing well. Husband Noah, 70, told that she fell pregnant last year via IVF after three earlier courses of treatment failed.

Nigerian Woman Gives Birth to Twins

Noah revealed that they were inspired to keep going by a dream he had in 1996 that told him he would be ‘known across the world.’

Nigerian Woman Gives Birth to Twins

The children were delivered via caesarian section at 37 weeks last Tuesday at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) but the hospital only recently made the news public to give the first-time mother time to recover, it said.

Dr. Adeyemi Okunowo, who delivered the children, explained a professional team was gathered at the hospital to observe the pregnancy because of her age.

Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH)

Lagos University Teaching Hospital said the IVF procedure was carried out elsewhere and the duo was only referred to them for surgery afterward. Doctors proceeded to observe her throughout the pregnancy until she opted to endure surgery at 37 weeks.

The hospital announced it was the only case of pregnancy in a woman of her age they had dealt with. Attending surgeon Dr. Adeyemi Okunowo declared the birth “a miracle” but added that the couple took a great risk going ahead with the pregnancy.

It is not obvious precisely where the most recent operation was carried out, but Noah told that the couple earlier moved to the UK for treatment.

IVF procedure

IVF involves fertilized eggs being inserted into a woman’s womb and is used to overcome a series of problems that can make it difficult for couples to conceive naturally. The method can be carried out using a couple’s own sperm and eggs, or those from donors.

According to the British NHS, the possibility of success for a single round of IVF ranges from 30 percent for those under 35 – to 2 percent for those over 45.

More than one embryo is normally inserted at a time to increase possibilities of success, which suggests that IVF is significantly more prone to result in multiple-pregnancies related to natural conception. 


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