Arizona Man Offers His Property to Find His Missing Dog

YupLife Staff

Arizona man offers his property to find his missing dog. A desperate man from Tucson, after months of struggle looking for his lost pet, has declared that he is offering his property including home and a plot of land that comes with it to whoever finds his dog brings her back to him.

Eddie Collins lost his favorite pet, Jenny, back in April and he has searched her everywhere spending every day since attempting to find her. After searching every place he could think of having a probability of her presence, also cementing posters all over the town and checking dog shelters every day. At last, he decided to raise his probability of finding Jenny by offering the most expensive material possession he has as a reward. Whoever finds Jenny and brings her back, will receive Eddie’s apartment, his workshop and a plot of land in return.

Arizona man offers his property

Unluckily, Collins has had no traces so far, and so recently he decided to give up everything he has to find Jenny.

In addition to a cash prize, Collins is now giving up his own home, and all of the property that comes with it, to whoever can find and bring Jenny back to him.

Though that may seem excessive, Collins loves Jenny more than anything in the world and can’t think of his life without her. To him, his home is just a thing while Jenny is his family.

“For me, it’s not about material things, It’s about her,” Collin said.

Collins expects that this tremendous offer will help bring attention to his narrative and cause people to keep an extra eye out for little Jenny. He’ll stop at nothing until she’s home safe with him, and everyone who has heard his request is participating for Jenny’s quick homecoming.

Eddie holding Jenny’s picture and a message that reads “Have you seen me? They took me out of Circle K. My dad is looking for me. If you help me get back home, he will give you a one-bedroom house, a workshop and a plot of land. If you know where I am, help me get home safely and everything will be yours. My name is Jenny.” Collin hopes that his actions will bring awareness to his story and urge people to help find his dog.


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