Bearded Woman Shaves Her Face for Photo Shoot

YupLife Staff

A happily-married bearded woman shaves her face for her belated wedding photos, as she and her husband prepare to commemorate their fifth anniversary.

Bearded Woman Shaves Her Face

When she was 13-years-old Annalisa Hackleman, from Sunnyvale, California, was diagnosed with the polycystic ovarian syndrome, a hormonal disease that makes an expansion in hair grown on her face and body.While her husband encouraged her choice to grow out her beard after years of shaving, Annalisa is hesitant about displaying her facial hair in their ceremony photos.

Bearded woman shaves her face

Annalisa said, ‘David is super supportive and accepting of my facial hair’. I don’t think he loves my facial hair, but he loves me and that’s all that matters.

Years ago, Annalisa admitted to an online magazine that, as a child, she had been strangely chaotic about why people felt she should be embarrassed of her facial hair, but acknowledged that, as time went on; their harsh remarks left her feeling disturbing about herself.

‘I didn’t see why it mattered that I had darker hair on my face,’ she said.

At the time it was still peach fluff resembling. After being bothered about it, I became self-conscious. My mom concluded I needed laser hair removal which eventually didn’t work and began shaving my face to look normal.

Around three years ago, I was at the point of shaving my beard twice a day.

It was a never-ending conflict. I developed agoraphobia (incompetent to leave my house) and would feel stress trying to plan trips or go anywhere. When I did leave the house after much pressure, mourning and despair I found the stress wouldn’t calm down.

Thankfully my husband supported to get me out of this mist and obliged something is done as it was destroying our life together.

After that Annalisa started growing out her beard and adopting her facial hair once and for all. She declared that she didn’t ‘know if I’ll ever remove my beard again’, it made her feel more ‘free, fearless and more womanly’ than she had felt in years she added.


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