Disney Princess, also called Princess Line, is a media franchise and toy-line owned by The Walt Disney Company, Created by Disney Consumer Products chairman Andy Mooney in the early 2000s. An artist “Andhika Muskin” created ironic illustrations that combine modern reality with classic Disney. Disney celebrities are now more down-to-earth. He portrayed the Disney Princesses in real life very hilariously.
Here are some of his masterpieces that will force you to laugh out loud
Reality while eating an Apple
Woke up from the dead
She ran away, but she left her wig.
Princesses also have a good appetite even after 6 pm
Feeling of freezing water in Winters
Video chatting with Cinderella
Disney Fashion Week
Disney fashion fearless females.
The Stepmother Wears Prada
Just push yourself up
No more boring parties
Watching a movie on Netflix
Goodnight, honey. Talk to you tomorrow.
Ariel and Aquaman