Inspiring Stories of Famous Personalities

YupLife Staff
Inspiration on a chalkboard

It is said that life gives at least one chance to every timid to prove himself as a valor. In doing so, some of the people get succeeded while other blames their luck. We all know the names of some personalities from different fields, who amazed us with their success. But how many of us know that how many times they failed before they succeeded? We all know their success stories but few of us know their path and the inspiring stories of those famous personalities.

Some of the best places to get inspired are those who have succeeded through the tough times. Some you may already heard of, some may surprise you, but confidently we will inspire you!

Oprah Winfrey

Born to a poor single mother, lived in poverty, and was sexually abused on multiple occasions. She also faced criticism about her weight, racism, intrusive questions about her sexuality. But then she managed to overcome and now she is an American media executive, actress, talk show host, television producer and philanthropist. Her talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show is the highest-rated television program of its kind in history and was nationally syndicated from 1986 to 2011 in Chicago.

“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.” – Oprah Winfrey

J.K. Rowling

Known for writing the one of the most famous “Harry Potter Fantasy Series” and now labeled as novelist, philanthropist, film producer, television producer and screenwriter. But do you know her story before she became the author of best-selling book series in history? Before all of this, she had just gotten divorce, was on government benefits and could barely afford to feed her baby until “Bloomsbury”, a small London publisher gave it a chance to publish her novel.

“It is our choices…that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”_ J.K. Rowling

Stephen King

Stephen King is famous as an author of horror, supernatural, fiction, suspense, science fiction, and fantasy novels. He has over 50 novels and his books have sold more than 350 million copies. Even some of his works are also featured in films and TV series. But in the start, his first novel, Carrie, was rejected almost 30 times before it was published. Not only this, he actually threw his scripts into the garbage. But they were retrieved by his wife who firmly believed in his dream of becoming a published author.

“Either get busy living or get busy dying”._ Stephen King

Jim Carey

Inspiring Stories of Famous Personalities

In his early teens, his father lost his job and they started living up to mouth. They restored their living in a van. At age 10, he took an eight hours per day factory job after school to help his family to meet their expense. And at last poor little Jim dropped out of the school to support his family. And now Jim Carey is known as actor, comedian, impressionist, screenwriter, musician, producer, artist, painter and cartoonist.

“Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.”_ Jim Carey


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