World’s Superhero Countries Try to Protect the Environment

YupLife Staff
World’s Superhero Countries Try to Protect the Environment

Plastic suffocating our oceans, greenhouse gases warming our world, air pollution poisoning our single breath and the list goes on. In short, our planet is in danger. According to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we seriously need to cast out on greenhouse gas emissions, plastic use, deforestation, and so much more if we want our planet to sustain and thrive. Luckily, we have some world’s superhero countries that are doing their best to protect the environment of the world.

World’s Superhero Countries

Our little efforts can bring a big change to the environment of the world. Fortunately, some countries are showing a dedication to the environment friendly atmosphere by setting policies to control discharges, decrease waste, and promote a greener environment.

World’s Superhero Countries


The natural Scandinavian country is consistently among the most developing countries in terms of love for the environment. This is because the Swedish government’s waste management strategies have managed to just 1 percent of solid waste in landfills and 99 percent of it [is] recycled or made into bio-gas.

Sweden flag

Furthermore, Sweden has one of the lowest emissions rates in all of Europe; it has declined by almost 20 percent since 1990.


Around fifty years ago, there were three and a half automobiles for every bicycle in Denmark’s capital city, but as of 2016, bikes have surpassed vehicles. Morten Kabell, Copenhagen’s former mayor of technical and environmental affairs, stated in 2016 that he was trying for 50 percent of all commutes to be made by bike by 2025.

Denmark flag

The current mayor, Ninna Hedeager Olsen, is proceeding to work on green plans, saying that her country cannot be contented and must keep working towards their aim of getting the cars out of the inner city, making space for bikes and tranquil areas with nature.

The Gambia

The small West African country that joins Senegal discharges less in a year than Los Angeles does in a few months, per the Los Angeles Times.

Gambia flag

In 2018, the government introduced a policy to rehabilitate huge areas of forest, mangroves, and savanna that will absorb carbon dioxide and other environmental pollutants.


Forbidding single-use plastic bags and plastic packaging stuff has served to transform Rwanda into one of the pure nations on Earth. But what makes this African country even more environmentally advanced is its determined aim of increasing forest spread to 30 percent of total land area by 2020, per the World Economic Forum.

Countries protecting the environment

To make this come true, the country has initiated extensive reforestation and tree-planting programs.


The environment isn’t a dissimilar matter for Singapore. In 2008, it was mandated that all modern buildings be constructed green, according to National Geographic. And just recently, according to USA Today, “the Southeast Asian nation declared 2018 the Year of Climate Action, alerting the public to the dangers of climate change, increased regulations on discarding food, plastics, and e-waste; and turning a greater focus on sustainability.”

World’s Superhero Countries Try to Protect the Environment


The WHO declares that Finland has the world’s best air quality, and according to The Telegraph, Helsinki is one of the cleanest capital cities on Earth. This is recognition in big part to it being a “post-car city,” with “2,400 odd miles of cycle lanes,” and an effort to make automobile purchasing obsolete by 2025. 

Finland nature


According to the latest researches from the Environmental Performance Index (EPI), Switzerland leads the world in sustainability. The neutral European nation got “almost perfect scores for water sanitation and water resources, and placed second overall for air pollution as well as climate and energy.

Switzerland tourism

The Swiss accomplished this by concentrating on urban planning and natural-land passing through a Spatial Strategy for efficiently using valuable resources, making renewable energy a preference, and a carbon tax to limit air pollution.


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