Amazing Behind the Scene Photos of Hollywood’s Top Movies

YupLife Staff
Amazing Behind the Scene Photos of Hollywood’s Top Movies

Special effects have become an essential part of Hollywood movies and all credit goes to the progress made in technology such as the CGI and green screens. We only see the end results on the cinema screens but did you ever wonder what it looks like in reality when these movies are being made? We are sure, seeing this will change the perspective you watch movies. Here are some of the behind the scene photos of Hollywood’s famous movies.

Behind the Scene Photos of Hollywood

In this article, you will get a chance to feed your eyes on these behind the scene photos of Hollywood at its best and enjoy how strange some of your favorite actors look.


Titanic - Behind the Scene Photos of Hollywood

Looking at this picture, all that is needed to reenact this scene is to get a small boat and you are good to go, a huge ocean ship is not required.

Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix

Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix

This is how Hermione Granger arranges the books on the shelves

Game of Thrones

Game of thrones - Behind the Scene Photos of Hollywood

Taking some fabric and wrapping it around a pole and calling it quit makes me feel no dangerous attempts were performed by the production team by shooting this scene of dragons and this technology made the “Clarke Emilia” job much easier.

Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast

Here, all credit goes to Emma Watson. You can see Dan Stevens walking in a big padded suit and yet, Watson’s facial expression didn’t break into a smile, she danced with him in this suit.

The Avengers

The Avengers - Behind the Scene Photos of Hollywood

Mark Ruffalo is the man behind the CGI Hulk; he has also been amazing playing the role of Bruce Banner in The Avengers franchise.

I am Legend

i am a legend - Green Screen Photos of Movies

We all cried while watching this scene and it still hurts, Robert is being attacked by a mutant dog, his dogs defend him but unluckily, the dog got infected in the process. This has to be the most passionate and emotional scene in the film and we all ended up shedding tears.

Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince

If Hollywood doesn’t include a flying scene, it won’t be amazing behind the scenes glimpse. Daniel Radcliffe must have fancied acting to glide and swipe through the air.

Pirates of The Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

Pirates of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - Behind the Scene Photos of Hollywood

Remember Davy Jones from the Pirates of the Caribbean? We couldn’t be more amazed even though we never supposed his character to have such a “snake-like” kind of mustache and beard.

The Matrix

The Matrix

The mind-blowing movie from Keanu Reeves was all done using a green screen designed soundstage. As you can see, the mystery behind how they achieved the scene where they dodge bullets by leaning back in slow motion has been solved.

Guardians of The Galaxy

Guardians of The Galaxy - Behind the Scene Photos of Hollywood

Now you got the chance to see Bradley Cooper who is known for playing the role of Rocket in Guardians of the Galaxy in that green morph suit.

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

Even though credit needs to be given to CGI for doing all the hefty lifting for Harvey Dent, his effort at making the half part of his face look more terrifying than the other was pretty good.


Gravity - Behind the Scene Photos of Hollywood

If you are a fan of movies made in outer space, such movies are bound to have some CGI action and screen in them, and it goes to show how much efforts was put into the movie Gravity.

Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War

Fan of a ruthless villain Thanos? Here is how the character was made.


Godzilla - BTS of famous movies

It seems like a big screen was used in front of living actors and Godzilla was slipped through using impressive CGI effects.

Rise of The Planet Of The Apes

Rise of The Planet Of The Apes - Behind the Scene Photos of Hollywood

It is exciting to believe that Ceasar was a real character and a rebel could be led by a group of monkeys, this is not true in reality. However, it is exciting to learn how this courageous and amazing lead character was brought to life.

Life of Pi

Life of Pi

Often, the scenes look more scary in the movies are filmed this way.


300 - Behind the Scene Photos of Hollywood

This is one of the best epic medieval war movies ever made and this how the CGI is used in the making of this film.


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