Some Amazing Cultural Masks around the World

YupLife Staff
Some Amazing Cultural Masks around the World

Since we are bound to wear masks for safety purposes after the outbreak of coronavirus, masks are something that has been used across the world for centuries. They are used for all kinds of religious and cultural celebrations. Some masks honor those who have died, some represent animals or spirits and some simply disguise a person’s identity. Here are some cultural masks around the world that are been used for centuries.

Cultural Masks around the World

We are talking about the cultural masks around the world that were used long before they became a part of our daily lives’ wardrobe.

Hunting Festivals, Alaska

Hunting Festivals, Alaska - Cultural Masks around the World

The Yup’ik and Inupiaq peoples wear masks during specific celebrations, the most famous being the midwinter hunting festivities. Sculpted by—or under the administration of—a shaman, these masks sometimes depict a shaman’s spiritual supporters and can also be fastened in homes to ward off evil spirits.

Mardi Gras, New Orleans

The legalization of masks in New Orleans dates back to 1827. Though only permitted on Mardi Gras wearing masks is a significant component of legendary Cajun and Creole events and decreases class differences.

Día de los Muertos, Mexico

Día de los Muertos - The Day of the Dead

The Day of the Dead honors family members who have passed away. During this end-of-October festival, people will usually paint their faces or wear masks of clay or papier-mâché that relate skulls, as well as build altars, or ofrendas, to commemorate the departed.

Bailes, Guatemala

Bailes, Guatemala - Cultural Masks around the World

Since the colonial period, masks have been used in different fully-scripted offerings, known as bailes or danzas. These relate narratives both ancient and mythical. They are performed at congenital festivities and Catholic feasts and frequently represents animals, saints, conquistadors, or Mayan warriors.

FESTIMA, Dédougou, Burkina Faso

FESTIMA, Dédougou, Burkina Faso

The biennial Festival International des Masques et des Arts (FESTIMA) celebrates and presents legendary masks from different West African countries. Worn by dancers, these masks are made of leaves, hay, and wood and signify the reverence of ancestors and spirits and also admire traditional mask-wearing at ceremonies like weddings and burials.

Carnevale, Venice

Carnevale, Venice - Cultural Masks around the World

Dating back to centuries, Venetians would disguise themselves during the Carnevale di Venezia, a yearly carnival that attracts thousands of visitors. During the French conquest and Austrian invasion, the wearing of masks was banned, though the ritual resurfaced in 1979.

Kandyan dances, Sri Lanka

Kandyan dances, Sri Lanka

A series of folkloric dances scare off demons, give pleasure, and nurse the ill. Most incorporate masks made during a long process using wood from the local Kaduru tree. Each mask is associated with a special piece of tradition or character.

Balinese Masks, Bali

Balinese Masks, Bali - Cultural Masks around the World

With origins in animism—the notion that plants, dead objects, and other natural phenomena have souls—these masks are seen as a means for spirits to visit the real world. They are kept for use only during divine celebrations, but visitors can buy masks crafted specifically for ornamental uses.

Noh Theatre, Japan

Noh Theatre, Japan

The all-male Noh Theater, built in the 14th century, is the most pristine major theater art still frequently performed. The main character, or shite, will wear a mask made of Japanese cypress that describes the audience what sort of character to expect.


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