Funniest Photos from Wildlife: Photography

YupLife Staff
Will taking a photo with a meerkat on his lens!

Wildlife photographers contribute infinite hours trying to capture the precise moment when animals showcase their beauty, power, and virtue. It is pointless just how hot, cold, or even threatening the factors are if you can catch that split second of photography spell to bring funniest photos from wildlife.

Not every picture captured by the lens is ideal. Animals are not only unpredictable; they can also be tricky and goofy. This is what Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards is looking for from competitors.

This is the third year the association is holding the competition. To promote other photographers to submit their fun and amusing photos, they have published some of the entries they have received thus far.

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards was organized by photographers Paul Joynson-Hicks and Tom Sullam. Joynson-Hicks and Sullam wanted to highlight the fun of wildlife photography. In 2016, there were almost 2,200 photos submitted. Photographers from over 75 countries competed. The organizers believe this year will bring forth more entries.

“Conservation was always at the heart of the competition, along with the fact that people seemed to enjoy images of animals doing entertaining things,” Sullam says.

Sullam moved from the United Kingdom to Tanzania where he has seen firsthand the influence humans are making.

“Essentially living in a country that has some of the best wildlife in the world and seeing how devastating human actions can be on this wildlife, made us want to do our little bit to help,” he admits.

“Raising awareness through photography, getting people connected and using humor as a concrete reinforcement of the good things, rather than concentrating on the negative imagery that has historically been used which does have its place in the struggle to raise awareness,” Sullam wishes.

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