Grooming Mistakes Men are Making: DIY

YupLife Staff

Gone are the days when only ladies spent hours getting ready!  Nowadays, grooming is a much important thing for ladies and gentlemen alike. However, most of the men are unfamiliar with the most common rules of grooming. Either it’s about being the hitman in the society or being a superman with the ladies. You need to learn how to play your cards right. So what are the grooming mistakes men are making?

Excessive Use of Fragrances

One of the most common grooming mistakes men are making is excessive use of perfumes or deodorants. When it comes to fragrances, there is a trend to go overboard with the amount that is applied. While it has the opposite impact making people run away from you. You must understand that these perfumes are intended to improve your natural odor, not overwhelm everybody’s noses.

Neglecting Skin

Unluckily, most of the men are following the wrong opinion that skincare is a girlish thing. While it is not. Although men’s skin is stronger, it is still sensitive to aging, wrinkles and other skin infirmities. So, make certain to use lots of moisturizers wherever required, use a face wash every day and drink heaps of water to maintain your skin healthier and hydrated.

Use of Hair Gel

Your hairs are the best asset that enhances your overall look, so be certain you pay great attention to it. Based on your hair type, get your haircut done and some expert guidance for their maintenance. You can also use some beauty and care products. Many have this trend to use a lot of gel getting their hair look soft and sticky. While in reality, only a little bit can do good into wet hair with the fingers. Also, try to apply shampoo and conditioner afterward.

Dental Hygiene

Oral hygiene is more critical, particularly when you are in a society where you meet and work with many people. If you have ever questioned yourself why people try to run away from you? Now you know. Use a mouthwash regularly and provide yourself a pack of mints when you go outside. Don’t eat garlic and onions before stepping into a party or going on a date.

Locking Away the Razor

Most of the men are noticed with the machismo look and start wearing designer stubble to get that appearance. But in reality, excessive stubble makes you seem miserable and untidy.  In case you do a job in a high-professional environment, then it’s time to use the razor. A clean shave look can never go out of fashion.


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