How to Get an ESA (Emotional Support Animal) Letter?

YupLife Staff

No doubt, Animals can provide therapeutic comfort when you are in distress or in depression. People love to play with their pets and it surely gives them sense of relief and happiness. If you have severe anxiety, depression, any post-traumatic stress disorder or any other emotional or mental illness an ESA (Emotional Support Animal) may help to keep you calm. So the question is how to get an emotional support letter?

How to get an emotional support letter?

ESA is helpful for Mental health

Here is a simple method to follow in order to get an ESA letter.

If you are considering getting an ESA, you are protected under federal law. If a licensed mental health doctor writes an Emotional Support Animal letter of prescription, your pet can become a certified ESA.

Ask your Health Provider for ESA Letter

ESA Letter

Start by asking your therapist if you are eligible for this service. It is important to communicate with your doctor and be transparent about your mental health and issues in order to let the doctor understand your needs. Your doctor or therapist will approve and provide you with their official ESA letter that will make your pet an official ESA. Things your emotional support letter needs to have:

  • Your therapist’s signature and the date of issuance.
  • Therapist’s license type, date of license, state that issued the license and most importantly licenses number.
  • Confirmation that ESA is an important part of your life.
Licensed Therapist can get you Licensed ESA letter

Getting ESA Letter Online – How to get an emotional support letter?

Beware of FAKE ESA providers

A person who recommend a recognize ESA letter is a licensed mental health provider. Always keep that in mind. There are many online sites out there that provide ESA registration without ESA letter. They also claim that they can enlist your pet in so called ESA List. On a simpler note, nobody can buy you a Registered Emotional support Animal.

On the other hand there are some websites that offers you to ease speed up your communication with the licensed professional. Those are real ones. Those websites not only offer ESA letter in exchange of money but also connects you with licensed professional that can provide official emotional support letter.


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