How to Lose Weight without Exercising?

YupLife Staff

Big news, exercise haters! You don’t need to pump hard at the gym for hours to lose weight. Diet specialist Terri-Ann Nunns says consuming extra calories is as easy as modifying your habits. So how to lose weight without exercising?

She said: “There are some surprisingly easy changes you can consolidate into your daily routine while relaxing at your desk at work and when you’re at home going about day-to-day assignments, which can help to boost the number of calories you burn.

“There will be many things that you already do that burn more calories than you would ever think.” It means you don’t need to feel accusable about skipping a workout.”

So what are the most natural ways to slim down without pumping at the gym or hassle?

How to Lose Weight without Exercising?


If you’re a regular fidgeter, you could be doing yourself some favors.

Terri-Ann revealed: “Fidgeting while watching TV, sat at your table or having dinner such as tapping your foot, shaking your leg or always getting up and down burns calories as your body is continually moving.”

An Iowa State University study supports this argument. The study found that those who were less stationary torched an additional 300kcal a day. So get moving, even if it does loop up any associates who are sitting near you.


We all love a good snicker. And as well as discharging endorphins, giggling more will help you to burn more calories. Terri-Ann explained: A “big advantage of laughing is that you burn calories by doing so. “Although not by an enormous amount, your heart rate does rise, causing calories to be burned. “If anything, it’s a great reason to get everyone together for a good laugh!  “It’s been found that 15 minutes of laugh a day can burn 10 to 40 calories.”


Get on your dancing shoes if you want to lose weight. This doesn’t have to be a difficult gym class. It can be as simple as watching a move in your kitchen or on a night out.

Terri Ann said: “Whether you’re into house, pop, upbeat, fast-paced song that you can move to will raise your heart rate and consume calories. “So, don’t feel embarrassed about your movements next time you head out as it’s helpful to know you will be consuming calories by having a piece of good music. “Time to release your inner Shakira!  “Researches show that 40 minutes of dancing can burn around 200 calories.”

Change your daily routine

There are lots of ways to steal some vital minutes into your routine. Instead of standing still while you’re doing your make-up, brushing your teeth or watching TV, get moving.

Terri-Ann suggested: “Wandering around rapidly when you’d commonly standstill or squatting when you’d usually sit can be an efficient way of burning calories without thinking about it.

“The constant movement means you will burn more calories than you would sit still!”

“Research shows you can burn 70 calories for every five minutes you do squats, so 15 minutes of squatting will consume about 200 calories.”

Housework – How to Lose Weight without Exercising?

If you dislike exercise and housework, why not kill two birds with one stone? Terri-Ann said: “Cleaning, hoovering and tidying are all dynamic work and demand you to be steadily on the move. Alike to if you were working out.

“This means it’s an efficient and simple way to burn calories.” The following tasks can be useful calorie burners:

  • An hour spent dusting burns 166 calories
  • One hour hoovering burns 175 calories an hour
  • An hour of ironing burns 157 calories


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