IT entrepreneur Develops App for Parents to Track Kids

YupLife Staff

Information Technology entrepreneur “Tshidi Morabi” has developed a mobile application that allows parents to locate their children in real-time while they are being carried to and from school by service providers, and sends Short Message Service (SMS) notification during different stations of the trip. So what inspired that IT entrepreneur develops app?

IT Entrepreneur Develops App

Morabi was inspired to develop the app, LocTransie, after having to make a mad at her child’s school in anxiety when the driver hired to transport the child failed to pick up his phone.

“Every day, thousands of South African children go on school transportation, I tried to find the right transport corporation and then I was constantly anxious when they did not keep me up-there had to be a better solution,” says Morabi, who leads the firm. IT Ginini Consulting.

Through a user-friendly interface on a smartphone or tablet, LocTransie (derived from the words ‘locate’ and ‘transit’) a common source to transport keeps parents directly notified of delays or route deviations while permitting the driver to confidentially notify parents of emergencies through customized push notifications.

It decreases the risk of transferring children from a transport company to an anonymous third party without the parents’ knowledge and also enables them to compare the prices charged for various school transport services within their area or district. The app also provides school officials to register children inside and outside the facilities.

The launch of the application was postponed several weeks to allow the school to be added, which was based on lengthy conversations with the schools that wanted to cooperate and” mark “when students arrive or leave their care,” said Morabi, who has been examining school bus companies to subscribe and provide this service to their clients.

IT Entrepreneur Tshidi Morabi

With 19 years of experience in IT and communications as a business interpreter and trainer, Morabi started its own business in 2014 as Ginini Consulting.


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