Moments When Wild Animals Saved Human Life

YupLife Staff

You might have heard the tales or even witnessed with your own eyes when domestic pets and animals saved human life. But what about the wild animals like Lions, Bears and Crocodiles?  Yes it is truly astonishing to hear about wild animals that came out of nowhere and saved strangers life. From their smart thinking and quick actions, they gave us heartwarming stories while putting their own lives in danger when they saved human life.

Here are some of the precious moments when animals saved human life

Three Lions Saved a Girl from Kidnappers

Three male lions saved a girl in Ethiopia

In June 2005, an Ethiopian girl of 12 years old was on her way to home from school when she was abducted by some kidnappers. She remained with the girl for a week while police searched for her. It was believed that the kidnappers were attempting to sell the girl in to a forced marriage. A week after the kidnapping, her captors attempted to move her as police was in pursuit. Three lions chased them off and remained with a girl until police arrived. The lions did not even touch the girl and moved silently into the jungle when police arrived. A sergeant explained that the lions stood like a guard with the girl and then left her like a gift to us when we arrived.

Friendly Dolphins Saved lifeguards from sharks

Dolphins saved Humans Life

In late 2004, lifeguard Rob Howes and his three teenage lifeguards including his daughter were swimming at Ocean Beach in New Zealand. Suddenly, they were surrounded by some bottlenose dolphins. The dolphins stared circling around them and behaved really weird. Howes and one of the swimmers drifted away from the rest but the human friendly followed them and kept surrounding them. Howes went under the water to see what dolphins are trying to do when he saw a big grey fish (later revealed as a white shark). Then he realized that the dolphins are trying to protect them from the fierce shark by surrounding them. The dolphins surrounded them for 40 minutes until the shark left.

Deer Saved a Woman – Animals saved human life

Heroic deer saved a woman

Sometime in February 2012, a woman was walking through oxford, Ohio after attending a party when a man dragged her behind the building. He hit her and tried to snatch her purse. Seemingly he was trying to rob her but his plans were foiled by a strange deer who came out from a nearby bush when it heard the sound of struggling. The heroic deer scared the man off. The man found it beneficial to run for his life leaving the lady all alone.

Bear Saved a Boy from a Mountain Lion Attack

Mama bear with her cubs

On March 26, 2012, Robert Briggs was hiking in the woods in Whiskey Flats, California when he was attacked by a mountain Lion. Briggs explained, before the attack he had been watching the bear and her cubs. He was planning to leave when suddenly, the big cat, came out of nowhere jumped on him from behind, hitting him to the ground. Briggs tried to fighting the lion off until the bear came. The bear and the lion fight for some time until lion withdraw. The bear went back to the cubs and Briggs rushed to the home. Briggs believed that the lion was planning to attack the bear cubs until it found him as a prey. Though it changed nothing but mom bear saved his ass.


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