Police Officer’s Friendship with Homeless Vet: Example of Love

YupLife Staff

There are a lot of negative stories about the rude behavior of police officers, but there is always a reason behind being hardcore. There must be a feeling of little fear of the uniform to keep the things in perspective. No doubt, there exist sorts of cops that are softcore too. The same story of a police officer’s friendship with a homeless vet will bring tears to your eyes.

Police officer’s friendship with homeless

A couple of years ago, Dena Walker Pauly who was serving the Lawrenceville Police Department in Lawrenceville, Georgia as an officer was called to a local pawn shop owned by an old man named Bob. After knowing about his life and the pathetic past, Dena decided to rise far above the call of duty to become a useful person in the old man’s life.

Dena decided to visit the elderly man who was in a drastic environment of loneliness. She decided to do something that would introduce her to a needy person’s life. But first, she had to hear his story.

Dena and the homeless vet

Bob was alone since his childhood and had no friends or family. He had also been abandoned most of his life and had suffered a trauma that made it extremely painful and almost impossible for him to speak.

Dena started to check up on him regularly to make sure that he was okay.

She also brought him stocks like food and even cleaned his apartment. More often she would just go to keep the lonely man some company.

When Bob fell seriously ill and it became clear that his death is imminent, Dena even got a power of attorney to handle Bob’s medical care. There was no one else who could step up to handle Bob’s affairs or make important healthcare decisions at the end of his life, so Dena took all the responsibilities on her shoulders without complaint.

Dena holding his hand at his last breath

Unfortunately, Bob’s health continued to decline and Dena was compelled to make the difficult decision to begin hospice care. “She held his hand and told him many times that she loved him.”

“I’ve never been more proud of any friend than I was today of Dena Walker Pauly. It’s hard for her to say goodbye to Bob. I told her he’s changed her life forever because I know it’s true,” fellow policewoman Shannon Volkodav said.

Shannon soon reached out to a local funeral home and explained the situation. They courteously allowed to perform their services free of charge so that Dena can take Bob’s remains into her home and keep them close forever.

The letter of love


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