Woman reveals long life secret. Just Avoid Men

YupLife Staff

It seems strange and majority in world could not believe the fact about secret of long life. And especially for women to live could not understand the secret to live a long life. Sexual relation or relation is the integral part of human life and nobody ever denied this reality or fact. Whether you are religious, liberal or free norms thinker and advocate, no one has rejected this very fact of the human existence. A woman reveals long life secret.

So, it is mighty impossible, someone on this planet earth never ever have a sex.  But there is one and she is 109 year old. When she revealed the secret of long life, she simple answers just avoid men, but she dint refused the fact of relation with home-sexual or other women. Let’s hear the story from her.

Woman reveals long life secret

109 Years Old Woman Reveals Long Life Secret

It’s all began in year in 2015, when Holiday Retirement conducted a massive across-America survey, inspecting seniors over 100 what the reason for their longevity was.

Jessie Gallan, A 109-year-old woman in Scotland said in January that the secret to her longevity is this: Eat your porridge and avoid men.

Gallan told her “secret to a long life has been staying away from men.

They’re just more trouble than they’re worth. She noted that she also made sure that she  got plenty of exercise, eat a nice warm bowl of porridge every morning and have never gotten married.

Susannah Mushatt Jones, who turned 116 over the summer. She claims that eating bacon is the secret to long life.

The 100 Years

She said, “I also made sure that I got plenty of exercise, eat a nice warm bowl of porridge every morning and have never gotten married.” She always worked hard and seldom would I ever take a holiday. According to her, she left home when she was 13 and began a job milking cows. The old women further said, “I always had good jobs with very nice people.”


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