A 10-Year-Old “Watermelon Boy” Gone Viral

YupLife Staff

Mitchell Schibeci, a 10-year-old “Watermelon boy” was enjoying the match at the Melbourne Cricket Ground ‘Big Bash derby’ on Saturday evening when TV cameras zoomed in on him enjoying his luncheon of choice, a large watermelon, which he was munching on like an apple, peel and all.

As the cameras continued focusing on Mitchell, spectators started tweeting about him and the hashtag #watermelonboy trended on social media in Australia.

A 10-Year-Old “Watermelon Boy”

In an interview with BBC, Mitchell said:

‘It was a lot more hard work than I imagined it would be… I just kept on eating and eating it, I had been eating watermelon peel since the age of two.

“I’ve been doing it for a long time. I just like the taste of it,” he said.


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