A Travel Influencer Admits to Photoshop Her Photos

YupLife Staff

A travel influencer admits to photoshop her photos. The young blogger has over 290K followers on Instagram. She admitted photoshopping her photos to put clouds into the background after snaps of her photoshops went viral.

Influencer Tupi Saravia

Tupi Saravia from Buenos Aires, Argentina uses a photo-editing app to add and magnify clouds into her photos when the camera can’t capture them.

Her account became the center of amusement (not attraction) and jokes online when screenshots of some of her photos went viral on other social sites.

Quickshot was the app she was using to enhance the outlook of the photos when the sky was lighted or overexposed. She deliberately used the same cloud patterns from the app, even though there are many other choices with various patterns were available.

“I just happened to like that one,” Saravia said.

A Travel Influencer Admits Photo Editing

‘Photoshopping is something I’ve always been open about. I even helped one of my followers edit a photo with the same software,’ she added.

Saravia added, “Actually I’m the first one to tell the joke that the clouds are following me around the world.”

She looks completely frustrated by the negative responses.

“I don’t see the big deal here, I never lied about it,” she said. “I didn’t do anything wrong, and it was never my intention.”


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