Dad Loses 3.5 Stones in Weeks

YupLife Staff

41 years old Paul Harrison decided to bring a change as he was sick of being a slob. Sitting alone in the living room with empty bottles of lager, wrappers of chocolates and other eating stuff, Harrison understood he had to make a difference. So the dad loses 3.5 stones in weeks.

He was overweight and sick of being a slob, so one day he started the mission of weight loss. He and his partner Louise joined a gym and abandoned their delicate lifestyles for good.

In just 16 weeks he has advanced from fat to fit dropping 12lb to 8lb. Now here a question arises, how did he do that?

Dad loses 3.5 stones in weeks

Paul lost 3.5st in 16 weeks

Paul, a floor layer revealed, I just used to live on fast food. I was regularly eating on the go. If I was empty I would pull in at a petrol station and grab a chocolate bar and a bag of crisps to keep me going till I got home. Also if the football was on I would get six cans of lager and collapsing on the sofa in the evenings and at weekends.

Paul’s old pant and new physique

Paul and his wife joined a gym

But then, he and his partner selected to join a gym as part of a plan to discard their harmful lifestyle for good. Paul and his 36 years old wife Louise joined a gym in Manchester where they had three solid training sessions in a week and a tight diet plan to follow. He started to observe results after just two weeks and he found his entire way of thinking changed which gave him the motivation to keep going.

Paul Harrison transformation

Now his new diet includes steak and vegetables for breakfast, meat or chicken and vegetables for lunch and fried prawn for dinner instead of fast food. Paul says, “we do a lot of walking as a family now.’ He asks that they all go out on healthy walks together before the kids are permitted to play on their Xbox.

Before and after transformation

He added, “I try to strive for 15,000 steps a day. You don’t recognize that if you lounge around the house at the weekend it can get to 2 pm and you will only have done 2,000 steps.” According to Paul, “You don’t need money to change your life and socialize yourself by going to the pubs. You can go out with your family and can buy a dog that helps to get you out even more.”


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