Ex-Pakistan Air Force Serviceman Stopped a Terrorist Attack in Norway

YupLife Staff

Meet Mohammad Rafiq, an ex-Pakistan Air Force serviceman who jumped into combat to stop an imminent terrorist attack on worshippers when a well-armed man broke into a Norwegian mosque on Saturday. Rafiq arrested the shooter who opened fire at the Al-Noor Islamic Centre in Baerum, west of the capital Oslo.

Netizens are praising him as a hero for catching the criminal and taking his weapons from him. Media statements say he is 65-75 years old.

A white young boy with many firearms had shared anti-immigrant opinions online, assistant chief of police Rune Skjold told a news conference.

“The terrorist had been arrested after the assault, in which bullets were fired but no one was hit, with Rafiq having grabbed him inside the mosque before the police came,” he added.

Ex-Pakistan Air Force Serviceman Stopped a Terrorist Attack

The police have accused the suspect with the murder of his 17-year-old stepsister who was found dead at a different location.

One of the netizens enlighted a serious point

The name of the suspect has not yet been disclosed, but police have described him as a white Norwegian national of around 20 years old.

Mohammad Rafiq explained how the terrorist breached in from the side door and opened fire. Rafiq jumped on him, fastened him with his arms around the shooter and grabbed his weapons.

“He put his finger in my eye,” Rafiq SAID.

His eye red and one hand swollen, Rafiq, who has lived in Norway for the past two and a half years, said he was still healing from the attack.


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