iPhone Tips and Tricks and Hidden Features

YupLife Staff

The iPhone has been around for over a decade now, yet somehow there are a lot of features and tricks that are still unknown to most of its users. It isn’t enough to have the latest iPhone, apps, or any other gadget. You must also have to know iPhone Tips and Tricks and how to utilize them.

Here are iPhone Tips and Tricks and some hidden features that you must know how to use

Set an Alphanumeric Password

Add an additional coating of security to your iPhone with an alphanumeric passcode. To enable this feature, Go to Settings > General > Passcode Lock. Turn off Simple Passcode and you will be advised to insert your alphanumeric password.

Stop Music with a Timer

Everyone likes to listen to some quality music when going to the bed in the night but often sleep off without turning the iPhone off? You can utilize a timer to help you stop the music. To get this job done, simply tap on Clock > Timer > When Timer Ends. Scroll down and tap Stop Playing. Then, set a timer (say 30 mins) and tap Start. Now you can play any music and it will be turned off after 30 minutes.

Use Earphones to take Photos

If you are a selfie freak and love to take photos, then this trick will be very useful for you. You can simply take a perfectly focused photo if you have shaky hands. You can capture a photo using the volume up or down buttons on your headphone.

Shooting Directions in Panorama – iPhone Tips and Tricks

Tap the arrow in Panorama mode to shift the shooting direction so you can take a panorama picture from left to right or right to left.

Insert Emoji with Shortcut

Most of the people love to use Emoji in texting but don’t like to change the custom keyboards frequently, you can try this: Go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboard > Emoji. Then Go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Add New Shortcut. Enter a regularly used Emoji in Phrase. And last insert a text in Shortcut which will be used to change to Emoji.


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