Stephenie Meyer Announces New Twilight Book Midnight Sun

YupLife Staff
Stephenie Meyer Announces New Twilight Book Midnight Sun

Twilight writer Stephenie Meyer has revealed she will eventually publish Midnight Sun, a retelling story of her bestselling series from vampire Edward Cullen’s point of view, 12 years after she left the book following an online leak. Stephanie Meyer has announced that the long-awaited fifth entry to the series of Twilight Book Midnight Sun will be published on August 4. We can assume it as one of the best fiction books so far.

Twilight Book Midnight Sun

Meyer, one of the bestselling authors in the world, has been tracking an announcement on her website since last week, with a timer counting down to Monday’s announcement. The website instantly crashed when the countdown finished, as her legion of fans tried to find out what was going on, with some thinking that the Volturi, the army of wicked vampires from the Twilight saga, were to accuse.

Twilight Book Midnight Sun

“I am very excited to finally, finally announce the release of ‘Midnight Sun’ on August 4. It’s a crazy time right now and I wasn’t sure if this was the right time to put this book out, but some of you have been waiting for just so, so long. It didn’t seem fair to make you wait anymore. Sorry about the bad timing. Hopefully, this book can be a distraction from the real world,” Meyer said.

Midnight Sun author Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun author Stephenie Meyer

Meyer had uploaded a draft of the first chapter of “Midnight Sun” on her website in 2008. That August, a leak of 12 chapters of the book provoked Meyer to set the whole plan on hold.

Midnight Sun

“If I tried to write “Midnight Sun” now, in my current frame of mind, James would probably win and all the Cullens would die, which wouldn’t dovetail too well with the original story,” Meyer admitted on her website at the time.

Midnight Sun

The mysterious series followed the love and passion between a charming vampire, Edward Cullen, and his human (and then vampire) love affair, Bella Swan, as well as the accounts of their family and colleagues — a society that includes humans, vampires, werewolves and even vampire-werewolf mixtures in the Pacific Northwest. In contradiction to previous books, which were narrated from Bella’s point of view, the latest book will follow back on Edward’s life and be narrated from his point of view.

Twilight Book Midnight Sun

Meyer went on to compose a gender-based account of the first “Twilight book before reverting to “Midnight Sun.” That book, published in 2015, described the experiences from the point of view of Edythe Cullen and Beaufort Swan, squeezing the conclusion so everything is settled in one book. “Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined” was published in October 2015 to diverse revisions.


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