Saturday, March 22, 2025
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Big Memorable Events that Also Took Place on 4th of July

Big Memorable Events that Also Took Place on 4th of July

Though it is best known as the independence day of the United States, there is a lot more about the 4th of July. From a historical perspective, it refers to the day when the...

Who is the Craziest President of All Time?

Not all the presidents are missed once they leave the president house. In fact, some people celebrate when their president leave their designation. History has seen many great people who changed the history of...
Famous History Questions People Always Get Wrong

Famous History Questions People Always Get Wrong

It is said that: the more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future. As previously, we have shared with you some weird history facts that sound fake but...
What Is Memorial Day and Why Do We Celebrate It?

What Is Memorial Day and Why Do We Celebrate It?

Whether you’re commemorating Memorial Day by attending the graves of fallen soldiers, having a cookout at the beach, or this year, lying at home because of the coronavirus pandemic, most of us actually don’t...

The Bat Bombs of World War II: History

On December 7, 1941, a Pennsylvania dentist named Lytle S. Adams was on holiday in the southwest at the famous Carlsbad Caverns, place of vast caving and about a million bats. Adams had been...
Top 10 Most Charming Seaside Towns in the USA

Top 10 Most Charming Seaside Towns in the USA

As previously we made a list of the places to visit in different states of the USA that mostly consisted of major cities, this time, we decided to make a list of most charming...
World’s Big Countries that are not Actually Countries

World’s Big Countries that are not Actually Countries

It is not easy to be a country. Not after the 1993 Montevideo Convention to qualify as one. According to the convention, any country, to be called a country must fulfill at least these...
The Perfect Way to Celebrate Black History Month

The Perfect Way to Celebrate Black History Month

Black History is an equally important part of all of the histories of the USA and it is something that should not be celebrated just for a month. It should be acknowledged all year...
A Retired Couple Travels the World in Their House Truck

A Retired Couple Travels the World in Their House Truck

How much space do we need to be happy and satisfied? Most of the people want to live in a big villa or a mansion. But to some people, happiness and self-satisfaction are much...
New Year 2020 Celebrations Around the World

New Year 2020 Celebrations Around the World

The New Year - and new decade - was embraced across the world with fireworks, dancing, and champagne, but Australia's festivities were overshadowed by sky-touching wildfires while the New Zealanders were among the first...