The Best Black Cat Breeds You’ll Wish to Adopt

YupLife Staff
The Best Black Cat Breeds You’ll Wish to Adopt

Did you know that black cat breeds are the most abandoned breeds in the world and the least likely to be adopted from shelters? And that’s for a reason. Superstitions! It’s sad, but it’s true, and there’s just no valid reason for it. Throughout history, black cats have been deemed as a host of associations, from prosperity and good luck in Egyptian and Celtic folklore to dark magic and ill fortune in Continental Europe and North America. If you are not one of those, here are the best black cat breeds you will love to adopt.

Best Black Cat Breeds

But black cats have a lot more to offer than whatever superstition says. Check out these best black cat breeds.

American Bobtail

American Bobtail

This beautiful black cat breed is active and sensible. They are recognizable by their unique and powerful bobbed tail, and their love of games. Bobtails are stocky, cuddly, and faithful, and if you’re looking for a cat who might like to go on leash walks with you, or that gets along with your dog, the Bobtail is an excellent choice. 

Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex

These slim black cats have wavy coats, raised noses, and huge bat ears, and they are just as flexible and mischievous as they look. Their coat has a lamb-like character, and despite their slim build, they are powerful and athletic. Cornish Rex cats are very smart and love to play games with their humans.


Best Black Cat Breeds

This charming squishy-faced black cat breed looks a lot like the Persian, but with a less and more flexible coat. Known for their friendly characters and teddy bear appearance, Exotics love to play but are not as dog-like and needy as some other breeds, happy to see whatever is going on with their normal calm acceptance. 

Japanese Bobtail

Japanese Bobtail

These cats can have long or short-haired coats and a variety of colors, but we believe the most attractive is the solid black coat! The unique bobbed tail is a predominant gene (although no two tails are ever alike), and this breed is an old native Japanese breed, featured in early artwork and used to keep rats out of Buddhist temples. Japanese Bobtails are masters of cunning agility, very energetic, and talkative. 

Maine Coon

Maine Coon

Maine Coons are one of the most readily recognizable black cat breeds. Their big size, long fluffy tail, and long, thick fur keep them warm through the freezing winters of the North-East, and their tufted ears and paws allow preserve them from the cold and allow them to walk on top of the snow despite their weight. Native to Maine, the Maine Coon is one of the only cats who truly loves water. 

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

These fuzzy beauties are an ancient breed indigenous to Norway, where they worked as ratters on Viking longships and are called “skogkatt,” which translates to “forest cat.” They are best suited for colder environments, as their waterproof coated double coat has evolved to cope with the severe Scandinavian winters.


Oriental cats

You might have seen this superb black cat breed on social media (its unique appearance is frequently compared to actor Adam Driver). The Oriental’s large ears, long face, and protruding nose, along with its long legs and short coat make for a distinctively classy cat. Orientals are very friendly; their inquisitive natures mean they’ll be involved in all your activities. 


Persian Cats - Best Black Cat Breeds

These flat-nosed fluffballs are one of the most famous black cat breeds. Sensitive and tender, Persian expenditure is not for the faint of heart – those luxurious coats require frequent brushing. Persians are not much given to jumping or acrobatic displays, preferring to lounge in a sunbeam. 

Turkish Angora

Turkish Angora - Best Black Cat Breeds

Like its Turkish citizen the Angora rabbit, the Turkish Angora has amazingly silky and comfortable fur. This ancient cat breed is recognizable by its small head, thick tail, and beautiful shape. They are very companionable and smart cats and may play host at your dinner parties, becoming familiarized with each guest in turn. 


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