The Hug of Two Toddler Besties Will Make Your Day

YupLife Staff

In every day’s adorable videos, we have seen a heart-melting clip that is going viral all over the internet. The warm hug of two toddler besties will make you say “aww.”

The video we are talking about is of two kids who are best friends and lives in New York, Maxwell, and Finnegan. They are in the same music class. Maxwell’s father, Michael D Cisneros uploaded the adorable video on Facebook with the caption, “I have no idea how to make things go viral, for those that do… please share.”

The video shows the two kids with open arms running towards each other with excited squeals, and then they hug each other with all the emotion and sentiment the world has. The boys are only two years old and have known each other for a year. The warm love of Maxwell, who is white and adorable sentiment of Finnegan, who is black has been shared and loved widely across the internet.

The Hug of Two Toddler Besties

Cisneros told the reporters that it has gone so viral because of the race issue in our country and also around the world.

“Racism is taught. Hatred is taught. These two boys don’t see anything different within each other,” he said.

After watching this beautiful video, we can wish and of course, we can try to live in peace and love as these toddlers do because humanity is far superior to race and ethnicity.


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