A Baltimore School Uses Meditation Rather Than Punishment

YupLife Staff
A Baltimore School Uses Meditation Rather Than Punishment

On average, kids spend most of their daytime in school making memories, friends and exploring the world. In this way, schools play a very important role in children’s character building and as well as physical and mental health. The only dilemma is, school isn’t specifically a walk in the park for many children. There’s teasing, bullying, and a strict code of conduct that doesn’t really make any sense sometimes. So a Baltimore school uses meditation to cope with all of the issues and learn what results they got from it.

A Baltimore School Uses Meditation

Robert W. Coleman Elementary School in Baltimore is initiating a new holistic strategy to how they teach their children. Students weren’t obeying the rules, and sorrowfully, physical violence was widespread among the community. The instructors were running out of opinions on how to address the situation until two brothers came up with a master strategy.

A Baltimore School Uses Meditation
Robert W. Coleman Elementary School in Baltimore

After all, how do we make kids to concentrate on getting straight A’s if they’re besieged by peer fury and a adverse school environment? Ali and Atman Smith understood firsthand about the consequences a ruining environment can have on your training.

Baltimore school kids uses meditation

“There’s all these things just getting dumped on these kids,” Ali told. “And they need a way to kind of deal with it,” he followed. We couldn’t agree more!

But Ali and Atman believed that schools weren’t doing a fabulous job at teaching their students. The moment a kid made a mistake, the policy would “punish them” with their one-size-fits-all type detention plan. But punishing a kid over a mistake doesn’t fix the problem; it might even make it more serious, according to various studies.

Brothers Ali and Atman
Brothers Ali and Atman

An English Scholar Dr. Ruth Payne found that detention is actually less efficient when it comes to fixing behavioral problems.

The way the detention policy works is rather inefficient as it is. It not only shows children that making a mistake, no matter how petite it might be, is so serious it will immediately land you in punishment, but it also promotes a negative relationship between the student and the teacher.

A student doing meditation

That’s one of the motives why instructors should abstain from lowering a student morale by calling them out on a mistake in front of the entire class but only rewarding good behavior has also been confirmed incompetent too, according to some analysts.

Kids doing meditation

The brothers couldn’t just relax and see their educational institutes using this oldschool, time-consuming, inefficient, and unreasonable punishment policy that could possibly destroy a kid’s self-esteem in the long run.

So they came up with their very own alternative to disciplinary penalties, and it just put people into a wonder. In the start, everyone was a bit taken aback by their spiritual plan. Rather than punishing a child because they forgot to do their homework with detention, the kinsmen came up with an amazing approach.

A Baltimore School Uses Meditation

Students who misbehaved were sent out to the mystical Mindful Moment room where rather getting punished, they’d have some time to meditate and relax.

The Mindful Moment room is a room that was created for students to divert their negative spirit and transform it into something constructive. The purpose is to provide children a safe place where they could de-stress and cool down if they were just involved in an argument. 

Baltimore school uses meditation

Robert D. Colbert, Ph.D., associate professor, conducted a research at a high school in 2013.

He wanted to investigate how useful meditation would be when dealing with stressors at school. He distributed a senior class into two groups where one group meditated all through the year, and the other would not. Surprisingly, the outcomes were incredible.

Kids doing meditation

When comparing the graduation rates between the two groups, investigations notices that graduation rates went up by 15% among those who used meditation as a method to deal with anxiety and anger, but the number only went up for those who had a low GPA.

Ali and Atman suggested to use meditation in schools

This astonishing revelation only confirms that schools would definitely earn profit from executing spiritual policies like the one Ali and Atman prescribed.


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