A Wife Will Never Ever Let Her Husband Groom the Cat

YupLife Staff

Trusting your partner is the foremost principle that keeps a relationship strong. If there isn’t trust in a relationship, then it is not even a relationship! Well in previous articles, we have mentioned the signs that are destroying your relationship and also simple tips for a healthy relationship. Some experiences say it’s essential not to trust your other half to bring your favorite pet to the groomers. In this article, you will find out its importance because a wife will never let the husband groom her cat.

Screenshot of the convo between Caitlin and her mom

Caitlin Christine, a Cosplay model shared photos of her parents’ cat Oliver. Her mother made the mistake of allowing her husband to take Oliver to the groomer. Caitlin’s mom father had a much better sense of humor than her mother.

Caitlin’s mom was not aware of the fashion sense of her husband. According to Catlin’s tweets, her mother was expecting Oliver to come back with a charming new look as when he went for the groom but instead, he looks absolutely ridiculous. Her entire family laughed about Oliver’s haircut except for her mom.

Her father said the groomer “I want stripes like a tiger. Do what you can.”

Reaction of social media users

Husband grooms the cat

However, twitter users’ love Oliver’s new fashion and photos of his new hairdressing got 103K retweets and 395K likes. Oliver also has his own Instagram account so that his diehard fans can keep an eye on him as his fashionable slinky cut grows out.

Caitlin’s mom will never let her husband groom the cat

So this is the first and last time Oliver will have this extreme fashioned hairstyle. Oliver doesn’t look to be very happy with it either. His haircut looks like an accordion when seen from above. But don’t worry Oliver, soon it will grow out!

Top view of Oliver


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