What is Blue Light and How It is Affecting Our Eyes?

YupLife Staff
What is Blue Light and How It is Affecting Our Eyes?

In this advanced digital world, technology and digital screens have become an integral part of our lives. According to a survey conducted by The Nielsen Corporation in 2018, US adults spend almost half a day interacting with some kind of digital screens like smartphones or laptops. Due to this, our eyes are continuously focused on one screen or the other during our conscious hours, which leads us to the important concern of “blue light.” In this article, we will tell you how blue light is harming your eyes and how to protect them.

As mentioned above, digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, computer screens, and many television screens release blue light. The continued exposure to this harmful light causes eyestrain, headaches, and fatigue.

So, we will tell you about blue light, and how we can fight its adverse effects with the blue light filtering lenses.

What is Blue Light?

What is Blue Light?

In science, blue light is a color on the visible spectrum that has a comparatively higher concentration of energy and short wavelengths. In easy terms, the “white light” from the sun rays is consists of seven colors in the visible spectrum, including blue light. That suggests blue light is throughout.

It is necessary to remember that natural blue light is not essentially harmful. It supports improving our cognitive capacities and memory and assists us to be fully conscious and observant during the day. It coordinates our body’s natural cycle for sleeping and waking up (circadian rhythm), and even aids raise our mood.

Though the natural blue light has wholesome and positive impacts on our body, extreme exposure to the unnatural blue light that comes from digital screens can be pretty harmful in the long run.

How prolonged exposure to blue light can be harmful?

How blue light affects our eyes?

Because of its brief and high energy wavelengths, blue light manages to vibrate faster and longer. This flickering tires our eyes and adversely influences the accuracy and sharpness of vision. Even if you are not familiar with the harmful blue light phenomenon caused by digital screens, you have probably encountered a feeling of fatigue after gazing at a screen for a long time.

How to reduce blue light exposure?

How to reduce blue light exposure?

With the extremely digital lifestyle that we are living now, it is practically impossible to completely exclude the exposure to blue light in our daily lives because you can imagine how much smartphones and computers are important for us.

But there are some effective ways to resist your daily exposure to blue light to some extent.

Take regular breaks for blinking

Take regular breaks for blinking after long screen time

If it is sort of your job and you are required to look at a digital screen for a long time, don’t forget to take a few seconds at least every ten minutes to deliberately blink and look away from the screen to give your eyes some rest to normalize the exposure.

Wear blue light filtering lenses

Blue light filtering lenses

The next useful technique you can practice is to invest in a good quality pair of blue light filtering lenses that absorb harmful exposure of blue light from your screens. Their near bright appearance will enable you to stay protected and fashionable at the same time.

Keep your digital screens clean

Keep your digital screens clean

You may not be familiar with this but if your digital screen is stained with fingerprints and dust, it can boost the screen’s flash and bring more harm. So you should be mindful to keep your screen properly clean and stain free regularly.

Use Dark Mode

Benefits of using dark mode

Another thing you can do to reduce the strain on your eyes to opt for a darker or warmer screen background.


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