Sunday, March 30, 2025

Inspiring Story of a Boy Living with Dwarfism

11-year-old boy Sam Anthony has the inherited condition pseudoachondroplasia and his dad has appreciated his behavior towards living with dwarfism and the ability to quickly subdue shame others have about his disease. This is...

Best Jessica Alba Habits You Should Adopt

Hollywood star and businesswoman Jessica Alba has been health goals since pretty much always, and she's frequently proved that she has a realistic strategy of being healthy. Surely, she works out, but she doesn't...

Best Foods for Healthy Bones

A healthy skeletal structure is critical for us to perform our daily tasks well. From our teeth, ribs, backbone, legs, and arms, to the bones that make up our skull, we need them proper...

This Supergirl is Studying Masters while Fighting Ovarian Cancer

A young woman from Dublin and her family are battling cancer which is defiant to chemo is trying to raise funds to send her to Mexico to get alternative treatment. This supergirl is studying...

Survival Story of a Cancer Victim

She was frightened, alone and didn't want other children to be in the same situation. This is a story of a 19-year-old cancer victim Maggie Miller from Queensland, Australia. “I'd been undergoing headaches for weeks...

Amazon Fires: Leonardo DiCaprio Donates $5m to Rainforest

Earth Alliance, an environmental organization co-founded by Leonardo DiCaprio, has declared that it will donate $5m to help resist the fires currently destroying the Amazon rainforest. Earth Alliance will donate the funds to social activists...

Best Foods for the People over the Age of 50

Our bodies start to break down as we age. In this age, activities that we once enjoyed become too hard and some of our favorite foods might not match with our body and age...

How to Lose Weight Quickly through Beauty Treatments

Whenever we meet the necessity of losing weight, we come up with an idea of hitting a gym, renewing yoga membership, and counting the calories in our daily intake. But sometimes we all need...

Must-Try Technologies and Beauty Treatments of 2019

We see the induction of many beauty products and treatments in fields of the fashion industry and medical science every year. Some are just a trend, such as charcoal masks and vampire facials, and...

Grooming Mistakes Men are Making: DIY

Gone are the days when only ladies spent hours getting ready!  Nowadays, grooming is a much important thing for ladies and gentlemen alike. However, most of the men are unfamiliar with the most common...