Friday, March 7, 2025
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A Homeless Woman Sleeps In a Garbage Bag with Her Dogs

A Homeless Woman Sleeps In a Garbage Bag with Her Dogs

We witness numerous stories of dogs’ loyalty every now and then, but this one proves it can be two-sided. A 65-year-old homeless woman was found on the streets of Tijuana, Mexico, hiding from rain...
Meet the Man Walking around the World with His Dog

Meet the Man Walking around the World with His Dog

Walking around the world is still a dream for many of us and we spent a lot of our time and resources planning and saving money. But one guy, Tom Turcich took one step...
Amazing Animals that Changed the History of the World

Amazing Animals that Changed the History of the World

There are many interesting facts about the world and among them; there are also some amazing animals that changed history. It is quite difficult to believe that many discoveries in the world came from...

Dog Fakes Broken Legs to Get Food and Pamper

A clever dog fakes broken legs in the streets of Bangkok was caught on camera to get free food from tourists. In the video, the best actor can be seen dragging his back legs...

This Cat Stole a Stuffed Tiger from the Neighbor is the Cutest Thing Ever!

Cats are really a mesmerizing creature on this planet and you just can't predict them. Someday, they play with you like a friend and the next day, forget it! The same thing happened when this...

A Dog Won’t Leave the Place Where His Owner Died

You might have heard several stories when wild animals saved human life or even the pet dog saved his owner. But have you ever heard of the story of a Japanese Akita dog named...

The Dog Gets Emotional on Arriving at the Dog Park

We all feel giddy when we go to our favorite places like the best islands, best pools or any other heritage sites. It can also be a favorite restaurant, some friend's house or a...

A couple Cares the Dog of the Surgeon Who Cared Their Son

Dr. Caner Salih, a heart surgeon was effective in keeping Heidi and Luca Ferasin’s baby son Mattia alive but little did the parents had the knowledge they would go on to save his dog...