Sunday, March 30, 2025
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Tag: Interesting

Visit This $2.25 Million Underground House in Texas

Visit This $2.25 Million Underground House in Texas

There are many human wonders in this world. As previously, we told you about a retired engineer who turned an airplane into a house. Now another unusual and colorful house in Buffalo, Texas has...
UK’s First Transgender Parents Reveals Their Story

UK’s First Transgender Parents Reveals Their Story

Jake Graf, 43, has just become Britain's most famous transgender father and he finally reveals his mission to parenthood and how it felt becoming a father amid the coronavirus pandemic. Along with his wife...
A Real-Life Doctor Octopus Suit Created Inspired by Spider-Man

A Real-Life Doctor Octopus Suit Created Inspired by Spider-Man

Erik Finman, a self-made teen millionaire, inspired by Spider-Man uses his money to create a real-life Doctor Octopus prosthetic suit for an 11-year old boy. Finman, after becoming a self-made millionaire by the age...
Some Random Interesting Facts about the World

Some Random Interesting Facts about the World

We are living in a world that has almost 200 countries with more than 7.5 billion human population. With this amount of countries and people, we can imagine how many types of cultures, races,...
Interesting World Records from the Different States

Interesting World Records from the USA

After covering the places to visit from different states of the USA, we have decided to make a list of interesting world records from the USA. We have chosen some craziest world records from...

People who broke the laws of DNA: Discovery

It is the beauty of nature that everyone is unique in their own way. Some people have exceptionally flexible bodies, big arms, long nails and noses and even skulls that can bend steel. These...

Daydream Jobs You Didn’t Know Existed

We all feel surprised when we think of high paying jobs like CEOs, investors, and corporate lawyers. That’s fabulous if one of those jobs is your dream job. But what if you like something...

Three Simple Keys to Become Irresistible Attractive

We all fancy others to like us. Deep down in our hearts, we all want to feel encouraged, appreciated, and, most importantly, loved. Yet, unluckily, for many of us, this is much easier said...

Grandma Mistakes Grandson’s Sex Toys for Thermal Socks

Everyone probably has a laundry list of things in their room or on their phone they would never want their parents to find. Well, one man in Japan had this fear come to life...