Saturday, March 22, 2025
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Tag: Kids

Double Trouble: Top Tips for Being Out and About With Twins

Double Trouble: Top Tips for Being Out and About With Twins

Getting out of the house with just one baby can already feel overwhelming — but what about going out with two? Help may not be available all the time, so it’s important for parents...

Top 5 Funniest Reasons Kids Called 911

It is said that the children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see. And the funny thing about kids is; they are the reason we lose it and...
Common Parenting Mistakes to Avoid with Toddlers

Common Parenting Mistakes to Avoid with Toddlers

Parenting a toddler is just like operating a minefield because kids in this crucial age are learning and growing so fast. The most serious difficulties that parents face in those days are how can...
Companies with Kids CEO

These Companies with Kids CEO are Inspiring Thousands

More often, you don’t have to wait to be a graduate to run a successful company. Though education is very essential for every walk of life, these companies with kids CEO will completely change...

The Hug of Two Toddler Besties Will Make Your Day

In every day’s adorable videos, we have seen a heart-melting clip that is going viral all over the internet. The warm hug of two toddler besties will make you say “aww.” The video we are...

A Selfless Woman Becomes Surrogate for Her Friend

Two best friends were sitting in a bar when Paul Bullock finally let his secret pull out. He told his childhood friend Marc Bott that he and his wife Kelly had given up hope...

It’s not Kidney Stones Its Triplets: Surprise

A South Dakota mother was startled to find the painful kidney stones she had been enduring was her going into operation. It's not kidney stones its triplets. Dannette Glitz, already a mum of two, was...

Kids Make You Happier When They’ve Moved Out: Says Study

Having kids will make you happier than being childless, says a modern study, but not until later in life when they have flown the nest. A group of researchers at Heidelberg University in Germany discovered that parents seem to...

Creative T-Shirts Prints You Will Love to Have

Is there anything better than to say and confer the relationship and love between you and another person through matching t-shirts? Of course, I'm not talking about wearing shirts that are completely the same...

A Man Stunned Social Media after Sharing Photos of his Mum

A young-looking mum got famous on Facebook and influencers begged for her anti-aging tips. A man stunned social media after sharing photos of his age-defying mum. 22-year-old Jonathan Nguyen told his Facebook followers that men...