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Archaeologists Found 13 Fully-Sealed Ancient Egyptian Coffins

Archaeologists Found 13 Fully-Sealed Ancient Egyptian Coffins

We often come across many jokes on social media about 2020 that can’t get any worse than this. First, we saw Australian bushfire and then the menaces of coronavirus. Apart from that, there are...
Meet the Real-Life Mowgli: The Boy Found Living in Jungle

Meet the Real-Life Mowgli: The Boy Found Living in Jungle

We are sure there wouldn't be a single movie buff who hasn’t heard about the legendary Mowgli from Rudyard Kipling’s famous work, The Jungle Book. Yet many people are not familiar that this book was...
Is Tom Hanks’ Greyhound Inspired By Real Life Events of WW2?

Is Tom Hanks’ Greyhound Inspired By Real Life Events of WW2?

Tom Hanks is considered one of the top Hollywood actors and his latest movie is a WW2 epic on Apple TV that takes place during legendary naval warfare. Tom Hanks returns to hit the...
These are Some of The Famous World’s Greatest Lost Cities

These are Some of The Famous World’s Greatest Lost Cities

It’s an exploit fantasy strongly instilled in the human's psyche to venture through the dense jungles and vast ruins that are untouched for centuries. This quest of humans started more vigorously in the time...
Most Controversial Statues and Monuments around the World

Most Controversial Statues and Monuments around the World

Not all statues and memorials are globally admired. Many have actually been a reason for big dispute—and rightfully so, considering there are many architects around the world that honor slave owners, warlords, and wicked...
The Best Movies of 2020 Inspired by True Stories

The Best Movies of 2020 Inspired by True Stories

Fans of The Crown will acknowledge this: Sometimes the best TV shows and the top movies come right out of history books. It’s great to see the details behind the history of a family, like the...
Famous History Questions People Always Get Wrong

Famous History Questions People Always Get Wrong

It is said that: the more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future. As previously, we have shared with you some weird history facts that sound fake but...
What Is Memorial Day and Why Do We Celebrate It?

What Is Memorial Day and Why Do We Celebrate It?

Whether you’re commemorating Memorial Day by attending the graves of fallen soldiers, having a cookout at the beach, or this year, lying at home because of the coronavirus pandemic, most of us actually don’t...
Some Weird History Facts That Sound Fake But Aren’t

Some Weird History Facts That Sound Fake But Aren’t

There’s a lot of mysterious and unusual in this world that is happening and that previously happened. If we explore a little bit, there are many interesting facts about the world. Not only that...

The Bat Bombs of World War II: History

On December 7, 1941, a Pennsylvania dentist named Lytle S. Adams was on holiday in the southwest at the famous Carlsbad Caverns, place of vast caving and about a million bats. Adams had been...