Saturday, March 22, 2025
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Tag: Fitness

A 60-Year Old Man Lost 60 Lbs by changing lifestyle and Eating Habits

A 60-Year Old Man Lost 60 Lbs by Changing Lifestyle and Eating Habits

Whenever we think of old age, it’s like life is over. But, thankfully, we are proven wrong; even then, you can radically change your life for the better. One example is Steve Ramsden, a...
Some Useful Eye Exercises to Treat Eye Conditions and Improve Vision

Some Useful Eye Exercises to Treat Eye Conditions and Improve Vision

It's been centuries since people have been practicing eye exercises as a “natural” remedy for vision problems, including eyesight. However, there’s very limited reliable scientific proof proposing that eye exercises can improve vision. Though,...
What is MCT Oil? Nutrition Facts You Should Know

What is MCT Oil? Nutrition Facts You Should Know

If you've heard of bulletproof coffee, you may have also heard of MCT oil. You may have come across a choice to add MCT to your order at your local trendy coffee shop. People...

10-Minute Workout to Get Stronger Back Muscles and Treat Back Pain

Lower back pain can be a debilitating and painful condition. It is a common condition in those, who spend hours sitting still on chair. Fortunately, staying physically active may be the most effective and...

Gymnast Katelyn Ohashi vs US Marine Obstacle Course

The stunning gymnast, Katelyn Ohashi takes on the US Marine obstacle course to prove her fitness and stability. Ohashi joined Austen Alexander, a YouTuber and active-duty soldier in the U.S. Navy, to take on...
Things That Could Happen If You Eat Too Much Meat

8 Things That Could Happen If You Eat Too Much Meat

You must understand that every person’s dietary needs are different, but if you are noticing some of these symptoms, then it’s time to cut back on meat. We all have heard mixed opinions on...
Foods That You Should Avoid Eating Before Exercise

Foods That You Should Avoid Eating Before Exercise

What you eat determines what's become of your exercise, but sometimes what you don't eat can be just as significant. There’s an entire business built around hydrating and fueling up for workouts. But you...
5 Surprising Health Benefits of Sweating

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Sweating

To be honest, most of us avoid sweating and we also do our best to conceal it. Yet sweating is important to our health, just as it was for our ancestral humans. The strength...
The 10 Minutes Yoga Practice You Can Do Every Day

The 10 Minutes Yoga Practice You Can Do Every Day

It is said that yoga isn't just good for your body; it's good for your soul. It looks like most people could avail from a daily practice including everyone from kids to people who...
Bay Athletics’ Most Inspiring Story of the Year

Bay Athletic’s Most Inspiring Story of the Year

Depression, Back pain, Miscarriages, Sleeping with CPAP machines, Diabetes, and Self-doubt. These are some of the battles that Bay Athletic Club honorees fought to win the Bay Athletic's most inspiring story of the year...